Lincoln will be 6 months on the 23rd of this Month. I can't believe it. Every day he does something new, he says buu buuu bbuuuub, i think he might be trying to say "bubba" that is what we call Bryan, but who knows, he might just be a little genius, it's quite possible considering who his mother is. LOL His laughter fills the house and is especially funny when Bryan gets to laughing too. He has always gotten hiccups when he laughs and Lincoln does the same thing, it is too funny. I love my little boys so much, but I need a little girl, I think we will start trying in a couple of months, I must be insane, but I am so lucky to have such healthy beautiful children, and a great husband. I really think that being a Mommy is very fitting for me. It's crazy, and beautiful, and challenging, but oh so rewarding.
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