How is it possible that my precious little darling ;) will be turning 2 at the end of the month? I have ordered her birthday decorations and sent out the invites, we hope to have a beautiful sun filled day at the park, with potluck and a yummy "tiara" cake. Plus I ordered Tiaras so that all of us girls can do a princess tea party on her actual birth day with full blown spa day, mani-pedi's, facials. the works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh How I love having a little girl.
Don't get me wrong, I love the boys too, but there is something to say about having a daughter, some good, some bad, but all together love and adoration.
Dillon is still working hard, driving A LOT, please keep him in your prayers while he travels back and forth from work. He has finally came to the realization that the "mini donkeys" were a mistake so we're trying to get rid of those. LOL, what next????? Oh and he still has not gotten a hair cut.
Bryan: Baseball is going well. He is doing great, making us proud. He pitched so awesome the other night, 3 up and 3 down. I was so proud. and he is working on his patience and temper, slowly but surely. He also got a new dog, named her "shotgun", she is a beautiful lil german shepherd, puppies suck.
Lincoln: got a hair cut. such a little man. but told auntie tara the next day that his hair was still in hims eyes. He doesn't say girl, he says grill. and is very aware that pink is not for boys, when did this happen? He has so much personality it should be against the law.
As for me, I am busy as always, finishing up with team mom stuff, enjoying selling Scentsy and Lemongrass spa, and joined a committee to hopefully bring a private christian school into full blown operation here in Brownsville at the old grange. Those are just a few of the sticks I have in the fire, busy busy busy.