Wow, it's been a while since I posted anything here. So here it goes.
Dillon and I are still very happily married. He is working hard, bringin home the bacon as they say. he he he, which in all reality is a true blessing considering the economy is so bad for most right now. I am still a stay at home mom to our 3 amazingly beautiful children.
Bryan will be 10 next month, this year we have decided to home school, for many reasons, but that is an entirely different topic.
Lincoln is now 3 and starts preschool this year, which I am semi-hesitant about, however I think it might be good for him, we'll see. The problem is that clothes are required at school, and Lincoln might have a slight problem with that. Just kidding, LOL
Harley Rae is 15 months, she is gorgeous. She is totally a girl, I mean I really had no idea how different it would be, but after having the two boys, she really brings a whole new dynamic to the family. However, she will probably be the toughest one of the bunch.
Sometimes it's overwhelming with 3 kids and a husband who works A Lot. But everyone keeps telling me to cherish these moments because You're gonna miss it. So I try to do just that, each and every day, cherish my babies, because it won't be like this for long. (by the way, those are two of the greatest songs) LMBO.
Bryan will be 10 next month, this year we have decided to home school, for many reasons, but that is an entirely different topic.
Lincoln is now 3 and starts preschool this year, which I am semi-hesitant about, however I think it might be good for him, we'll see. The problem is that clothes are required at school, and Lincoln might have a slight problem with that. Just kidding, LOL
Harley Rae is 15 months, she is gorgeous. She is totally a girl, I mean I really had no idea how different it would be, but after having the two boys, she really brings a whole new dynamic to the family. However, she will probably be the toughest one of the bunch.
Sometimes it's overwhelming with 3 kids and a husband who works A Lot. But everyone keeps telling me to cherish these moments because You're gonna miss it. So I try to do just that, each and every day, cherish my babies, because it won't be like this for long. (by the way, those are two of the greatest songs) LMBO.